Thursday, August 9, 2007


Another type of shadow puppet is based on pure entertainment. The story will be taken from either a part of the 'Mahabharata' or 'Ramayana' epics, although the aim of the performance is purely to entertain the public. In this case, the puppeteer will dominate the show with the jokes and funny movements of his puppets. Political satire, sexual innuendos, insults, and riddles usually dominate such a performance. Mixed language between Balinese, Indonesian, and a bit of English has also become a key ingredient in the performance. The following puppeteers have become popular for their amusing shadow puppets; the late Dalang Lukluk, Dalang Joblar, and Chenk Blonk. During his performance, Chenk Blonk does not use a 'blencong' but prefers electric lamps. This is very modern. When he is chosen to entertain, Chenk Blong rarely accepts to perform a 'sapuleger' show. He prefers his shows to be recorded and sold on compact disc and is proving to be quite popular.

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